“We are really proud of the work that the team did last season. We produced content that I was passionate about and felt would be a service to the audience- of course we think it’s award worthy. We’ll leave it to the judges to decide if it’s Emmy Award worthy,” said host and prouder V. Venesulia “We’ll be judged against news shows and the best of best in broadcasting. I’m excited to be part of the process.”
Entries are judged against a standard of excellence on their own merit and do not compete against each other. Craft entries are evaluated using a 1-10 scale each for Creativity and Execution. All other entries are scored using a 1-10 scale each for Content, Creativity and Execution. Decisions will be announced in October 2022 and awarded at the Regional Emmy’s ceremony later in December.
Between meetings with the production team, researching the latest news in fraud mitigation, writing and reviewing show scripts. V. Makes time for leading teams in financial sector operations, speaking publicly on finance, futurist tech plies and fraud mitigation, and to serve on boards of directors for multiple organizations.