V. Venesulia Carrr speaks at the American Banker #PaymentsForum, where the most knowledgeable experts will empower you with the insights to navigate the complex, competitive road ahead. Don't miss this chance to draw inspiration from the most forward-thinking ideas and innovative solutions. Secure your spot today.
V. Venesulia Carrr speaks on digital transformation resulting from the metaverse and its impacts on business and civil society at Entrecon....
"Let's get down to business!"
Airing every Monday at 3:30 pm CST on WFBD/BLAB, V. brings actionable information to the audience to help to protect their businesses, families, and the community at large. "Let's get down to business!"
Join Vicar Group, LLC. CEO and television personality, V. Venesulia Carr, at Bisnow's Blockchain and Tokenization in Commercial Real Estate: How The Industry is Adopting....
Vicar Group, LLC CEO V. Venesulia Carr is pleased to announce a new seminar series focused on marketing in the metaverse. This series will be presented in conjunction with Vicar Group's Cyber Division, which is....
Join Vicar Group, LLC. CEO and television personality, V. Venesulia Carr, at Bisnow's The Future Of Crypto And Proptech In Miami
Down to Business with V. hosted by Vicar Group, LLC CEO, V. Venesulia Carr Now available on Spotify, Audible, Radio Public, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher and more!
Vicar Group, LLC CEO, V. Venesulia Carr Shares Her Expertise on Television Show Coast Up Close hosted by David Mayo
Vicar Group, LLC CEO, V. Venesulia Carr Shares her Expertise on Pensacola Speaks hosted by Robert C. Allen
Vicar Group Omnimedia Brings You Media with Purpose
Vicar Group LLC is excited to announce the launch of its Cyber Division. This new division will focus on cybersecurity awareness, information security, and futurist technologies including the Metaverse and cryptocurrency. The Cyber Division will provide
Pensacola State College's Virtual Multi-Cultural Job Fair is the Latest Stop in Vicar Group's Search for New Consultants
Tip and insights to help you Safeguard Your Consumer Data.
This year’s initiative emphasizes cultivating trust among consumers by adopting data privacy frameworks and promoting transparency around data collection practices.
Vicar Group CEO, V. Carr, provides University of West Florida MBA candidate and entrepreneur hopeful an inside look at what it takes to run a business during UWF Center for Entrepreneurship Executive Job Shadow.
Venesulia Carr and the Vicar Group, LLC publish marketing manual with fresh ideas in addition to tried and true tactics to help you reach your goal!
Vicar Group, LLC CEO, Venesulia Carr, slated as one of the world class speakers on deck at the VIB National Conference! Check her out in the Palm Springs location as she gives her talk entitled "Strategies for Growth and Expansion in an Era of Economic Volatility"